Slot Tournament Champions Tricks

There are faithful slot machine players who continually adhere to what is theorized by quite a few to be the assumed "slot tournament championship". This bunch of slot competition chasers will show up for Hollywood Casino’s slot machine competition event and then a short while later, you will see them at a tournament at the Grand Casino in Tunica. Even though there are only a handful of these people who consistently participate, the prize pool keeps them focused on participating in slot machine competitions.

Quite a few of the best maintained tips stay with these folks but there are a few tricks that you can "catch on to" by yourself. For instance, if you notice a familiar slot competition player, you most likely will notice that they never drink right before they play a tournament as it slows down their reflexes. A number of gamblers use two hands to play the competitions and continually press the button to try and hook as many winners on the payline as they can.

A handful of the "successful players" will stand, not sit during the competition, so they can achieve more oomph to "put behind" the depressing of the button repeatedly. There are different "tricks" a lot of these Winners of the Slot Competitions use, but we may never be aware of what they could be unless we follow a few of them very close because they are not well-known for blurting them freely.

Many slot players have the impression that there is influence in numbers and if they gamble with a partner they question a host how much play is needed to be "invited" in to the invitational events.

While it may not appear to be an activity you want to aim for, however exclusive "invitation only" competitions might guarantee you a spot in which the main prize is into the tens of thousands of dollars. It’s worth checking out to have a opportunity to win the mega cash prizes these tournaments provide.

Slot Machine positioning

[ English ]

Books have been written on this topic, and the bickering and face-offs about where the "hot" video slots are placed in the casino are still taking place – 60 years after the slots were first added to the gaming floor in the casinos.

The standard rule is that the very best slot machine games were positioned just inside the main foyer of the casino; so that fun seekers walking by would see jackpot winners … be stimulated to come into the casino and play. Our slant is that this is not so anymore.

Practically all of the mega casinos these days are mammoth complexes … you can no longer see inside from the sidewalk, so there’s no longer a reason to put the ‘loose’ slot machines in close proximity to any doors.

Another classic rule is that loose one armed bandits are put on the major aisles inside the casinos, again so that more people could see winning jackpots and be roused to play. Interestingly though, we find that this also isn’t a universal rule any more.

What casinos found over the years is that people walking down the busy aisles were frequently on the way to somewhere else. If they played one armed bandits at all, they would simply put in their loose change because they happened to be walking by. Win or lose, they would very often not stop to keep playing. And the last thing a casino wants is for someone to win a jackpot by playing only a few coins and then not stay to put it all back in!

These days, casinos are constantly changing their perspective about where to place the loose slot games.